Friday, October 16, 2009

Two Months Already!!!

Tomorrow will mark the day that Brightyn will be two months old! She is smiling ALL the time (and when she is not smiling, she is either eating, sleeping or being grumpy! She has started to sleep for longer stretches at night. She will go about 6 hours the first stretch but then every 3 after. So we can't complain. She is getting huge. She is easily 12 pounds (we will see at her 2 month well check visit on Monday). She is almost half of what Kinlee weighs (a whopping 26 -27 pounds). Her head is still full of hair, Kinlee had lost most of hers by this age. It will be interesting to see how Brightyn changes. She may be the chubby baby with brunette hair while Kinlee is the skinny noodle with blonde hair:) We got Brightyns ears pierced last week, who could resist? It's part of the fun of being a girly girl. Fun times are ahead with this girly and her big sis! I can't wait. And in regards to a previous post about "does it get easier?" let me tell you it does. Though some days are harder and more challenging than others, it DOES get easier.


Melinda said...

I think that one of her turned out darling!! You only need one good one! Good job!

Lisa D said...

I am glad to hear you say things are getting better! I need to come see Brightyn- I can't believe how big she is now. I feel so cut off from the outside world- definitely not as much time do things now that I am back at work.

the cole family said...

I love, love, love all the matching outfits your girls are pictured in!!!! And, I'm so glad to hear that it does get easier. Let me tell you, I'm terrified of how I'll handle Audrey AND this next little one.

Modern Family said...

I'm glad that things are going a little smoother for you at home & that you get to have your time at work again too. We need a girls night soon!

She is getting so big & she is so beautiful!

Bailey Family said...

oh so cute! Such a little sweetie! Glad it is getting easier for you, always like the sound of the:)

Leesee Girlyfield said...

Oh, she is beautiful! I think she looks just like you. Glad to hear things are getting easier. It sure is tough trying to adjust to having one of those little things around, isn't it!?! Good thing their cute little faces make it so dang easy to fall in love with them, huh?!!

edwards family said...

Kim~ I have loved watching the changes in my sweet boys as they grow up. How unique they are, also how similar... It's funny how things turn out. I never would've guessed McCade's hair would turn blonde, after being born with brown hair like his brothers! It started to lighten every day after he was born and before you knew it, it was blonde by 4mos. old. YEP, and he's was and still is our chubbiest! :) Your girls are so cute and DIFFERENT and I just think that makes it so fun. You have the best of both worlds...hehe