Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Update to last post...

So.. I did it!!! I made the car seat canopy. I actualyl made two of them. ONe for me and one for my sister in law. They were not to time consuming. I think now that I have made a few, it would be easier if I ever made one again. I am pretty pleased with how they turned out, although I am sure if you looked close enough, you would see some mistakes in my sewing abilities. All that matters is that is looks cute and is not falling apart right???

*I also threw in a pic of my two princesses! Kinlee loves when I lay Brightyn in her bed next to her. It is a morning ritual. Maybe one day they will have little slumber parties in each others rooms and giggle all night long :)

P.S. Brightyn has still not lost any hair (as far as I can see). When I look back at pics of Kinlee at around 2 months old, she had lost most of what she had then it came in blonde. Hmm... Maybe Brightyn will stay brown?

Monday, September 28, 2009

For all my prego friends and new mommies!

I have been wanting to make one of these things forever, and found the easiest pattern online. It is called a car seat canopy. I am sure you have all seen them... I am always draping a blanket over the carseat for when Brightyn falls asleep, and ot always falls off, and gets in the way of the handle... yada yada yada... so here it is, if you want to make one. I am going tomorrow to buy fabirc. Hobby Lobby as the cutest prints (and Ikea but they are more expensive) This would ba a cute gift too!

Here is the link!

Thursday, September 17, 2009



This is Kinlee holding baby Marney wearing Brightyns old pj's!!!

WARNING! This is going to be a long post. This is dedicated to Brightyn's 1 month birthday today

"Someday" (this is my favorite childrens book by Alison Meghee and Peter H. Reynolds)
One day I counted your fingers and kissed each one
One day the first snowflakes fell, and I held you up and watched them melt on your baby skin
One day we crossed the street and you held my hand tight
Then, you were my baby, and now you are my child
Sometimes, when you sleep, I watch you dream, and I dream too...
That someday you will dive into the cool, clear water of a lake
Someday you will walk into a deep wood
Someday your eyes will be filled with a joy so deep that they shine
Someday you will run so fast and so far your heart will feel like fire
Someday you will swing high-so high, higher than you ever dared to swing
Someday you will hear something so sad that you will fold up with sorrow
Someday you will call a song to the wind, and the wind will carry your song away
Someday I will stand on this porch and watch your arms waving to me until I no longet see you
Someday you will look at this house and wonder how something that feels so big can look so small
Someday you will feel a small weight against your strong back
Someday I will watch you brusing your child's hair
Someday, a long time from now, your own hair will glow silver in the sun
And, when that day comes, love, you will remember me

O.K., now that my eyes are practically swollen from crying as I type this... Brightyn turned 1 month old today and even though it has been one of the most challenging months I have had in a LONG time, I made it through. You just have to tell yourself that things always have a way of working themselves out. It has been so fun watching Kinlee love her little sister so much, it's hard to imagine what it was like before Brightyn came along. She is getting so big now a lot of her newborn things are to small. We actually passed a pair of her pajamas on to Kinlees favorite babydoll (Marney). I can hardly wait for this next month when she starts smiling at us! P.S. the pics of Brightyn were taken by me (of course) in the fields by my house on 7800 S.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Annual trip to Kamas

Every year we try to go up to Derks uncle Ricks property in Kamas. This year we went up a little later than normal and it got pretty chilly outside. Lucky for us, Derks uncle has an extra trailer that he let us stay in with the baby. He has a 4 wheeler that the kids absolutely love, and of course what kid (besides Kinlee) can resist s'mores over the campfire. Derks parents, and brother and his family came up as well so Kinlee had fun running around with her cousins. We had a rough night sleeping in such close quarters with the baby, every little grunt (which was pretty much ALL night) was heard, and surprisingly enough it didn't seem to keep Kinlee awake.