I have been a bit of a blog slacker lately, but it seems like most days I am lucky to even eat by 3 or NOT wear a hat for the day and actually get ready. Going from 1 to 2 kids has been a HUGE change for us. Everyone always told me that going from 1 to 2 was the hardest, but until we actually got to this point, I had no idea. I am such a scheduled, and routine person and this has totally thrown me for a loop. Not to mention, I forgot about how little sleep you get with a newborn. So right now we (mostly me) are trying to adjust to life with 2 girlies. There are several times each day where I feel like at least one of them is getting pushed to the back burner while I take care of the other ones needs. Today 7:00 rolled around and I was trying to feed the baby and get dinner going and Kinlee was starving... If anyone reading this has two kids, when does it get easier? I would love to know. People always ask us, "are you sure you are done with two kids?" YES YES and YES we are so done. On a more positive note, Kinlee absolutely adores her sister, and there are times when Brightyn is awake, and she just stares at Kinlee. They love each other so much, I can already tell. I have Brightyns 2 weeks appt. tomorrow so I will get to see how much bigger she has grown in 2 weeks! Kinlee had put on 11 oz, from birth to 2 weeks, so it will be interesting to see how little sis compares. I am going to bed now!
** UPDATE ! so today when they weighed Brightyn, she has gained exactly 11 oz. since birth. She went from 7 lb. 6 oz. to 8 lb. 1 oz. crazy! Her and Kinlee gained the exact same amount (execpt Kinlee was up to 8 lb. 9 oz. since she was bigger at birth). The Dr. said if she continues at this rate she will be pushing 12 pounds by her 2 month well check...