I have been a bit of a blog slacker lately, but it seems like most days I am lucky to even eat by 3 or NOT wear a hat for the day and actually get ready. Going from 1 to 2 kids has been a HUGE change for us. Everyone always told me that going from 1 to 2 was the hardest, but until we actually got to this point, I had no idea. I am such a scheduled, and routine person and this has totally thrown me for a loop. Not to mention, I forgot about how little sleep you get with a newborn. So right now we (mostly me) are trying to adjust to life with 2 girlies. There are several times each day where I feel like at least one of them is getting pushed to the back burner while I take care of the other ones needs. Today 7:00 rolled around and I was trying to feed the baby and get dinner going and Kinlee was starving... If anyone reading this has two kids, when does it get easier? I would love to know. People always ask us, "are you sure you are done with two kids?" YES YES and YES we are so done. On a more positive note, Kinlee absolutely adores her sister, and there are times when Brightyn is awake, and she just stares at Kinlee. They love each other so much, I can already tell. I have Brightyns 2 weeks appt. tomorrow so I will get to see how much bigger she has grown in 2 weeks! Kinlee had put on 11 oz, from birth to 2 weeks, so it will be interesting to see how little sis compares. I am going to bed now!
** UPDATE ! so today when they weighed Brightyn, she has gained exactly 11 oz. since birth. She went from 7 lb. 6 oz. to 8 lb. 1 oz. crazy! Her and Kinlee gained the exact same amount (execpt Kinlee was up to 8 lb. 9 oz. since she was bigger at birth). The Dr. said if she continues at this rate she will be pushing 12 pounds by her 2 month well check...
Personally I think you are doing a great job!! You can always call us to pick you up a coffee for a little pick me up!
It does get easier. I am not sure when exactly, it just does. You may have to give up a little of what you did before, but things come together eventually. The bad news is that as soon as you think you have things figured out they change!
Kim, I cannot tell you when it will get easier because I am not yet to that time in my life. I am still learning how to handle one. You are a great mom though and you will be blessed for all that you do for those cute girls of yours. If your days are long and you need a friend to visit with call me over and I will come help you or just hang out to make the day go by quicker. Also, I did get the dishes, thanks for bringing them back. Sorry you had to come over, I could have gotten them for you. Also, thanks for your sweet card it made my day. Love the pictures of the girls together! THey are so sweet!
With more than one, I bet you'll be worried about sharing the attention for a while -- at least until they're more independent.
Your two daughters are completely beautiful and you are such a fantastic mommy!
Kim~ I could not agree more w/ Bailey family. Although for me having three to juggle has been harder, then going from 1 to 2. Don't get me wrong though, more then one is HARD! I really don't think motherhood will ever be easy no matter the stage or age. BUT it is alittle easier as they become older and more independent.
With my 3 boys being close in age they are best buds, and interact so well with each other. That does allow me some time to get something done during the day. I'm sure your girls will do the same as the baby gets older.
GOOD LUCK!! The first few months are obviously the hardest w/ lack of sleep, BUT that for sure will get better.
And BTW, you think your a "blog slacker". Have you looked at mine lately...hehehe
Kim you are a great mom & always will be. Once you get a new routine going you'll be fine. I know I only have one kid to speak of, but newborns are so unscheduled & make life crazy for a while. You'll find your new normal & before you know it, you'll forget life before Brightyn!
I didn't know that you already sweet baby #2- she is adorable! Congrats! I remember those days vividly. Things definitely get easier, but I think that it is just because you get used to things the way they are. I think once the feeding stuff comes together and not as frequently is when things really start to normalize. I hope that you have people to help out- that is really how I survived the first few weeks of baby #2! Girls are so much fun- just wait until they are both big enough to play together! They have so much fun- unless they are fighting of course! Enjoy the times now, they will get easier!
Oh, I remember those days! It does get better once you are sleeping through the night and have a little more patience to deal with the 2 year old! BTW we did get a new ride.
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