Thursday, November 13, 2008

Smells like "gadunkadunk"

Today Kinlee and I went on a little adventure to Saltair. I have not been there in YEARS! It was awesome. It smelled so bad though... Kinlee kept saying it smelled like "gadunkadunk" (something funny we taught her) and "horsie poop". If you have not ever been out there, you really need to go. We ventured out to where the old Saltair used to be. There is an old traincar and the old building with a ton of graffiti all over. It actually looks pretty cool I think. Gives it some character. The water is so low. I remember going there as a kid and the water was up to the building, now it is easily out more than half a mile or more. After that we drove over to the boatramps, and walked out to the water and carved Kinlee's name in the sand. Kinlee got mad at the end because "my shoes dirty, take em off!" So I decided it was time to go. Other than the stench (the bog of eternal stench for all you Labrynth fans!) it was gorgeous.


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for sharing.
I have read some of your post and I really enjoyed reading it.
Meet me at my blog

Melinda said...

That looks like a cool place! How fun and how did you do that collage of Kinlee? YOu are becoming quite the pro!! Hey when do youwant to do Chad and Mikell's pics???

Young Family said...

You must take Reagan's pictures now you talented freak!!!!

McDermaid Fam said...

not sure who andy guo is??? however, i went to the blog and he has some very cool poems on there...

the cole family said...

The picture of Kinlee sitting with the flower drawn on the ground is THE BEST!!!

And I about fell out of my chair laughing when I imagined Kinlee saying gudunkadunk --- HAHAHA! Love It!

P.S. I don't dare to meet Andy Guo at his blog. :)

The Larson Fam said...

Hello again! I think that your pic's are awesome so I would love to do something. Sundays are bad for us because unfortunately, Cole don't miss football... Can we do like a Saturday sometime? I am willing to go where ever you think is best for are Christmas pic's. I'm sure you know of a better place to do them then I would and thanks so much for offering such a great thing! I'm excited cuz your pics turn out so cute! Just let me know what will work best for you. By, the way I love your new background! Mindy

Leesee Girlyfield said...

That smell out there is pretty awful alright! Where did "gadunkadunk" come from anyway? That's hilarious! Cute pics!!

Anonymous said...

Kim, does Derk know about Andy? JK
I love how Kinlee has her hands in her pockets, cute! :)