Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Brightyn is TWO!

My not so little baby turned two today. It is funny how she was born with a head of dark hair, and it all fell out and now she is s spunky blondie.

I love your gap in your front teeth

Kissy Lips

Things you love:

Your sissy
Your "family" (all of your stuffed animals)
Your baby Sammi Jo Jo
Laying on mamas boobies (cuddling with mom)
Cream Soda
You love to have eyeshadow put on everyday
You must have your own deodorant too!
Getting your nails painted is one of your favs.
Your favorite songs are: Train-Hey Soul Sister, The Band Perry-If I Die Young, and Taylor Swift-Mean, to name a few


You talk better than most 3 year olds. You speak in full sentences, and although some words are hard to understand, you make yourself pretty clear most of the time.
You sleep in a big girl bed (full size bed) and have been doing so good
You still have a hard time opening doors (thank goodness)
You go the potty alot but I am not sure I am ready to commit to potty training

Things you DON'T like

Car rides (getting buckled in your seat)
You are terrified of leaves. Especially when they are blowing around on the ground
Naps (we are lucky if you nap for an hour and 15 minutes)

You have been my little cuddler from day one. Even though you and your sissy fight the majority of the time, I hope that one day you will be each others best friend. Love you Lil B.


The Hanson Family said...

Wow! Such a big girl! It goes by so fast! Happy Birthday Brightyn!

Modern Family said...

Happy birthday Brightyn!! She is getting so big, she's so adorable.